Thank you for your interest in our services. Directions for Immigrants is a career service for internationally educated immigrants living in Alberta, Canada. Prior to completion of this registration form we recommend calling our office to book an appointment to see a career coach. Please call us at 403-770-5155 or toll free at 1-877-297-2553.
Completion of the registration form will take approximately 30 – 40 minutes, please complete the form well in advance of your appointment. The blue explanation points (!) provide tips for completing the form and also definitions for some of the drop-down options.
Identity Factors
Are you a person with a disability?
Do you identify as being Canadian Indigenous person?
If Yes, select one of the following
Do you consider yourself to be a visible minority?
Are you or have you been a Convention Refugee?
If yes, what is your country of origin?
Do you identify as being an immigrant?
What country did you immigrate from?
What is your current immigration status?
What is your First Language?
Was your post-secondary education provided in English?
Have you completed a Language Assessment?
If yes which language assessment, did you complete?
Source of Income
What is your current primary source of income? “EI” stands for “Employment Insurance”
Current/Previous Canadian Employment Information
What is your employment status?
Current or most recent employer name in Canada.
How frequently are/were you paid?
Is your current/most recent employment permanent, temporary or seasonal?
If not working, selected the response that best describes your reason for leaving your most recent place of employment.
Professional Information
What is your occupational goal in Canada?
Are you an Internationally Educated Health Professional?
How many related years of experience to your occupational goal do you have outside Canada?
Do you have a specialty in your profession?
Professional Employment Information
Do you have experience in your profession prior to immigrating to Canada?
Do you have experience in your profession in Canada?
WCB Acknowledgement
Directions for Immigrants is an Alberta Works Employment and Training Service. If eligible I may participate in Job Placement services. Job placement may include job shadowing, work experience or a casual labour pool.
Only while engaged in the activities of job shadowing, work experience for a casual labour pool,
I understand that while I am registered and attending an employment and training program funded by the Government of Alberta (GOA), I am deemed
to be a worker of the GOA for the sole purpose of receiving workers' compensation benefits under the Workers' Compensation Act. If injured in an
accident, I will be entitled to claim workers' compensation benefits and have resigned my right to take legal action against the GOA, any other employer
or worker covered by the Workers' Compensation Act. I further understand that I am not deemed a worker of the GOA while I am engaged in
homework, study, or e-learning when outside of the training provider's institution/facility.
Confirmation of WCB acknowledgement